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  • You make a difference for Jews in need across the globe. More

Supporting the Jewish World


The Sample Federation recognizes its obligation to help Jews in need in Sample County, in Israel and around the world.


We partner with our primary overseas service providers, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to make this possible effectively, efficiently, and compassionately. We allocate roughly one-third of our Annual Campaign budget to Israel and Overseas initiatives.


These dollars facilitate much-needed social services, provide rescue and relief for Jews in distress, ensure quality educational programming, help Jews move to Israel (aliyah), enable personal connections between community members and promote Israel programing here in our own community.


We depend on you for this. We rely on a cadre of dedicated volunteers to provide oversight, leadership, and guidance to our expanding Israel and Overseas agenda. Multiple opportunities are available for community involvement and you are encouraged to be a part of the Israel and Overseas people-to-people connection building and allocation processes.